Jordan National K9 Center

K9- Selection Testing and Evaluation Course

A Jordanian National center of excellence that achieves international standards in all K9 related services.

Duration: 1 week (5 working days)

Students: Up to 10


  • Personnel responsible for purchasing, or acquiring dogs from local or outside K9 vendors
  • Trainers of green new dogs, or fully trained dogs
  • Experienced K9 handlers with more than 5 years’ experience
  • Must be affiliated with K9 unit or association

Course Description

This course is designed to train those responsible for selecting new dogs from any local or outside vendor. The most important thing in getting a new dog is to make sure the dog has the right drives and temperament for training for your specific mission. Picking or accepting a dog with drive, temperament or environmental problems will be a failure from the beginning. Proper testing and evaluation are crucial in any K9 purchase. This course will teach students what drives and temperament to look for and also how to test them for environmental and confidence problems.

Course Outline

  • Medical checks and guarantees
  • Past training records on dog
  • What to look for first
  • Testing specific drives needed for your specific needs
  • Environmental test
  • Courage tests
  • Bite evaluation, Types of bite.

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