Jordan National K9 Center

Trainers Course

A Jordanian National center of excellence that achieves international standards in all K9 related services.

Duration: 10 to 12 weeks ) 50 – 60 working days)

Students: Up to 6


  • Physically fit
  • Able to lift 50 Kg
  • Must have graduated from a credible K9 handlers’ course with a minimum or 240 hours of instruction
  • Must have been a K9 Handler for a period of no less than 5 years with a Government or accredited K9 association
  • Must be assigned to a government K9 unit or an accredited K9 association
  • Must be willing to wear K9 bite clothing and equipment

Course Description

This course is designed for those individuals that are responsible for training green dogs, maintaining units training and/or problem-solving issues with units’ dogs. The course will cover every aspect needed to perform the duties of K9 Trainer. At the end of the course each student will have the tools and knowledge to conduct both detection or assault training requirements.

Course Outline

  • Obedience:
    • Training in drive
    • Reward and corrections
    • Practical and tactical obedience
  • Patrol / Assault:
    • Drives and development
    • Drive channeling and capping
    • Protection skills
    • Prisoner Transports
    • Multiple suspects
    • Call off’s and call outs
    • Building searches
    • Open area searches both practical and tactical
  • Scent work:
    • Theory
    • Scent discrimination
    • Drives needed and how to develop and build them
    • Explosive and narcotic detection
    • Alerts and body language
    • Separation
    • Searches, buildings, vehicles, open areas, parcels, luggage, large transit.
    • Interdiction
    • Article searches

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